Thursday 24 May 2018

Job Seeking and the Governments unreal expectations

HI all

I know for some of you this could be a real depressing subject, especially if you are like me and want a job.
I never thought I asked for much happy as hell when I finally got one to only be made redundant after nearly 5 years 4 days before Christmas.

Best timing ever, oh thanks a packet, and the day before I was about to take 3 weeks annual leave. I was seriously looking forward to some much needed time away with my teenager.  We have not been on holidays in 7 years and I don't know if 2 days away could be classified as a holiday, but that is the longest time we have ever been away for.
So now I found myself instead of taking my teen away, searching job boards, attending the Centerlink office to be informed that I have to serve a maintenance period until early June. :o

Me being the person that I am was not sitting on my laurels.  I got straight into job hunting and scored an interview, great, to not get that job.  Ok no worries keep trying several weeks and more applications later great another interview, to not get that job.  Ok I am not going to let that get me down, yea sure keep me in mind if it comes up in 12 months, but I am not sitting here for 12 months waiting.  Nope not me back at it, oh great another interview.  Waiting waiting waiting, sorry didn't score that one either. Hmmm ok not letting it get to me apply for more jobs, ahhhh yeah more jobs, what damn jobs seriously there is ahh bugger all to nothing not even an hour from where I live.  Oh frack..... What am I going to do I have a teen to support, rent to pay, bills to pay, uniforms to buy. and not one red cent coming in nothing nada.

Yes it's a dire situation and when I am off this maintenance period I am expected by the Government to get 5 interviews a week!!! Hello I am as you can see flat out securing 1 a month at this point and there are so little jobs out there that I can literally count them on one hand!!! Competition out here for each position is so tough that there are in excess of 100 people applying for the same job.

I am sure I am not the only one in this position and they call us DOLE BLUDGERS. Oh yea I am BLUDGING. there is so much BLUDGING going on here I mean it's just going to make you sick right while I just sit the feck on my ass and do nothing, absolutely nothing while you all pay for me to sit here and oh I don't pay tax.  Now let's keep in mind right now I am not getting one cent of Government money, I am barely getting maintenance as the Ex doesn't think he has to pay and the money I have from the redundancy is drying out.  I have scrimped and scrapped every penny. I've said NO, to movies, no to outtings, no to a hell of a lot of things. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't take drugs and I find myself here, in this position frustrated, sick to my stomach and wondering what the frack (thanks Felicity) I am going to do.   I have an Associate Diploma of Animal Science and A diploma of business Administration along with several other certificates and I feel right now that they mean fracking nothing.

I'm too qualified for the local council and I have applied for 7 jobs there and not attained a single interview.  One would think I am not asking for much or anyone else that is looking for a job these days stuck on the welfare roundabout.

So now we get to Governments unreal expectations.
Can anyone tell me how the heck we can get 5 jobs interviews a week when we are flat out finding 5 jobs a week to apply for?  Particularly in rural areas.  Talk about the Government being out of touch, and as I say, I cannot move it's called a Court Order, the limitations restrictions and expectations placed on us are beyond a darn joke.
Now they are talking about putting the welfare funds on cards because a select few piss it up the wall on booze, drugs and cigarettes.  Thank you so much, us poor honest buggers don't stand a fecking chance.

As the single mother's know once your youngest turns 16 you must get a full time job, well  great all good and well I am sure a lot of us want a full time job.   So can you find us one? And find us one where us court ordered buggers have to reside.   Can you if you can hey fell free to let me know where it is, what company where I live has this job and be permanent.I'd love it it would make my year and the rest of my life.

The problem with our out of touch Government is that permanent full time jobs are a dime a dozen or actually less.  Jobs in the bush are even bloody harder to find and actually acquire especially when we have city buggers applying for them and actually getting them.  Some jobs over 100 people apply for it meaning the competition sis tougher than bs. so from this Government pray tell me how the hell am I and others meant to obtain 5 interviews a week??? Tell me please I'd love to know so hey can I ask you Government are you going to give me a job??? Are you cause I'd love to have one so come on where these jobs are.

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