Thursday 15 March 2018

The changing landscape

Have you noticed how even in the last few years the employment climate has drastically changed?  Gone are the days of what use to be called "job hopping" where you could have a different job every day!!! I recall people could move anywhere and land a job just like that.  Jobs included window cleaning, floor polishing, shop cleaning, bagging groceries, delivering bottles of milk, bottle cleaning, chimney sweep and so on.    Now look around you and tell me how many of these jobs exist today?   Not many, not many at all.   I also recall that little thing called job loyalty, where you worked in the same place for 10 + years and you got rewarded for said loyalty, because loyal staff are hard to come by.  Funny thing is loyalty employees really were not that hard to find and people enjoyed "job security".   Yes "job security" strange word that is now, I am sure a number of the younger/current generation are asking what the heck is that?

Changes' have even occurred in how we apply for jobs.  The days of walking into a prospective employers business and asking for work are rapidly diminishing, now you have to apply on the internet on various job sites. I personally have walked into a number of businesses to be told "You need to apply online and if there are no listings there then there are no jobs here." It's very disheartening and depersonalising at the best of times for even an educated confident person to hear those words.

Fine ok back to the online thing then. How many job sites are there? Oh lets just say enough and some of them are a bit confusing or is that odd to navigate around to even locate a job, and then there is my personal favourite...... Let's send you jobs that are so far away it would take you a day to get there and back.  Well that is all good and well for people who could move or even want to move.  Some of us are under a court order but try telling that too welfare places who insist you have to move for work.  I think they need to go and have a look at this again court order can't move not even 25kms away hello do you get it?

Anyway back to online navigation of employment sites, sure you have your seek and career ones they are ok to navigate but of course they keep spitting out the jobs that are over 200 + kms away, well this is no good to me I don't know about you and not only that why did you spit out ones I don't even have certifications or experience in and that is what most of them are asking for degrees in medical science umm sorry no I don't have that, degrees in engineering, umm sorry no I don't have that 5 years experience in a managerial role, umm oh bollocks I don't have that either but hey what the heck I  will apply knowing you will knock me back because I don't have the certification, degrees or experience you are after.Sigh but ok I will apply.    There done everyone satisfied?    Nope not everyone, including welfare places.   Oooooh I know then how bout you welfare places give me a job after all I do hold a Diploma!!!!! Yep thanks for coming.. Oooh no sorry no jobs here and you are too qualified for us!!! HAHA what a joke next.

How many of you out there are feeling me on this.  How many rejection letters/emails have you received in the last year alone?    Heck even in the last 3 months?   I remember starting out from school when you walked into places for work hunting as well as sending letters, every shop in my home town would not give me a job and yes I trudged the street and went into just about every single one ( The gas works was not hiring and gave me looks when I even went to open the door resume in hand).  And then I would go home and have a pile of rejection letters.  I had at that stage about a thousand. 😖   Well the years have passed since then and to date I have probably had over 2000 rejection letters sighting various reasons for not even an interview, "You do not have the qualifications we are after." "You are too young" (Classic love that one umm hello I am 21 wtf) "Sorry you don't have the experience we are looking for." (You want how many years experience in cleaning a bloody house???).   And the list goes on and on.   I am sure all of you out there are least some point in your life have heard one or several of these reason.... NOPE I call them EXCUSES not REASONS, EXCUSES for not even reading what is in front of you or even daring to give an inexperienced person a chance.

SO what am I trying to say?   Job hunting has changed so much in the last 10 years that it is increasingly difficult just to apply or even find a job no matter how much you want one.   These days we even have job centres that are suppose to help us get a job.  Well I love the ones I am with they won't even answer an email from me.  They are awesome oh and did I mention they are only open 2 days a week???? No I didn't well yes just 2 days a week.... Very handy indeed for us job hunters..... WT....

The job networking bunch seem to be such a great help that I overheard a gentleman in the welfare office trying to sort out his situation, he didn't come to work one day because he was ill he called the place he was working at and they were fine with it, apparently his job network provided was not.   They contacted the welfare office the very next day and had their payment stopped!!!!   Wow so they are incredibly efficient at getting payments cut but pretty pathetic when it comes to answering the job seeker or helping them find work.    Amazing. 😱

We are at this point now where, like everything else, we have to adapt, adapt or be left out totally.   So we fight our way daily through the job sites and if we don't have our own pc we go to the welfare office or a library and job hunt, because you see there are no excuses for not applying for your weekly job quota.... Ok so does there are no jobs to apply for in the area count?   NOPE.   Not even in the slightest.   You have to apply for any job anywhere and if I get the job that I applied for which is over 6 hours away and I cannot mover (court order)?   The response too bad you go you got a job now........ 😏😏😏